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Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

Not all rhubarb is an ill wind. And not all rhubarb ends up in Rabarbaro Zucca (popular Italian aperitif, A/N). If you can find it on the produce store shelves, take advantage of it, until there's time.
You'll be surprised, at least I was.

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
strawberries, net 1.5 kg
rhubarb, net 1 kg
(I would have liked to use the same weight as the strawberries, but I've stolen all I could find at the produce store and I didn't have more than this)
sugar 1 kg
juice of two lemons

Wash strawberries and cut them in pieces. Put them in a bowl and mix them with 500 gr. sugar and juice of one lemon. Wash rhubarb, discard filaments and cut it in small pieces. Put it in a different bowl and mix it with 500 gr. sugar and juice of the other lemon. Cover with plastic and let macerate in the fridge overnight.
The next day cook rhubarb and strawberry mixtures separately with their own juices, skimming when necessary. When both jams reach the right consistency, mix them in one pot, cook for few more minutes, then pour in glass jars and can them as usual.

Note: as I mentioned above, you can add more rhubarb, using an equal amount as the strawberries (and increasing the amount of sugar, proportionally). It'll be for next year : )

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